ASHE report(报告)
1. 2010partnership and collaborations].pdf
2. Academic Integrity in the Twenty-First Century.pdf
3. Behavioral and Organizational Barriers to Faculty and Staff Diversity.pdf
4. Christian Faith and Scholarship.pdf
5. college choice2009.pdf
6. Community College Faculty.pdf
7. Diversity Leadership in Higher Education.pdf
8. Economically and Educationally Challenged Students in Higher Education.pdf
9. Entrepreneurship in the academy.pdf
10. Ethnic and Racial.pdf
11. Faculty Careers and Work Lives.pdf
12. Foundations of Educational inequality.pdf
13. interdispline.pdf
14. Intergroup Dialogue in Higher Education.pdf
15. Learning assisstant2010.pdf
16. marketing and selling higher education.pdf
17. Need for Diversity.pdf
18. Overview of Intellectual Property.pdf
19. Parental Involvement in Higher Education.pdf
20. Piecing Together the Student Success Puzzle.pdf
21. Reinventing Undergraduate Education.pdf
22. Rethinking the L Word in Higher Education.pdf
23. The Development of Doctoral Students.pdf
24. Theoretical Perspectives on Student Success.pdf
25. understand interdispline.pdf
1. Can the
2. Creating Powerful Learning Environments Beyond the Classroom.pdf
3. Educating the Whole StudentThe Growing Academic Importance of Student Affairs.pdf
4. Institutions Amplifying
5. Resource Review Teachable Moments, Teachable Places Education Beyond the Classroom.pdf
6. SPORT and aesthetic.pdf
7. Student Affairs Helping Move from Controversy and Confrontation to Collaboration.pdf
8. Students on the Move.pdf
9. The Future of the American Faculty An Interview with Martin.pdf
10. TIPS for Student-Faculty Contact.pdf
11. transforming the curriculum.pdf
12. What Does Institutional Selectivity Tell Us about Educational Quality.pdf
curriculum policy
1. external influences on the curriculum.pdf
2. Intercultural perceptions of business and management practices A German-Ame.pdf
3. National Science and Technology Forum 2004 Awards.pdf
4. Teaching Business Ethics A Case Study Of An Ethics Across The Curriculum Policy.pdf
5. the college culture.pdf
New direction for higher education
a) 1999spring faculty culture and college life
1. A Contested Institutional Culture.pdf
2. american College Ideal Six Historic Ways of learning.pdf
3. Challenges Facing Shared Governance within the college.pdf
4. Developing the Whole Student The college idea.pdf
5. editor notes.pdf
6. Faculty Culture and College Life.pdf
7. Making More of Faculty Culture An Experiment in Building Intellectual Community.pdf
8. Redefining Campus Urban univrsity.pdf
9. The Collegiate Ideal and the Tools of and external relation.pdf
10. The Collegiate Ideal in the 21 century.pdf
11. The Diverse Campus.pdf
12. The Student Affairs Establishment.pdf
13. Vocational Education and the.pdf
b) Accreditation
1. A College President’s Defense of accreditation.pdf
2. Accreditation Dilemma.pdf
3. Accreditation in the United States.pdf
4. Accreditation in the US.pdf
5. Accreditation Standards and the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria.pdf
6. Accreditation Systems in
7. Accreditation’s Benefits for Individuals.pdf
8. Changing Climate for accreditation.pdf
10. Musings on the Future of Accreditation.pdf
c) how to achieve quality accountability and innovation
1. Academic Accountability at the institunional level.pdf
2. Assessing and Improving Institutional performance.pdf
3. Competing in the Global Higher education market.pdf
4. Critical Endowment Policy Issues.pdf
6. Fixing the Net Tuition Revenue dilemma.pdf
7. Know Your Competitor.pdf
8. Planning for Transformation.pdf
9. State Policies and Planning to Increase accountability and productivity.pdf
10. Strategic Collaboration.pdf
11. Student Aid Policy.pdf
12. University System of Maryland to improve accountability.pdf
d) manage for innovation
1. A Case Study of the Western Governors University.pdf
2. Accreditation Standards and the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria.pdf
3. Application of the Baldrige Model.pdf
5. From leadership course to leadership foundation.pdf
6. Implications for the Future.pdf
7. Information Technology.pdf
8. Universal Design Across the curriculum.pdf
e) New direction ethic of college
1. A Practical Approach to Ethics for higher education institute.pdf
2. A Practical Definition of Ethics.pdf
3. Classroom Strategies for Teaching Ethics.pdf
4. Ethics Across the Curriculum.pdf
5. Learning from the Codes of the academic discipline.pdf
6. Service Learning as an Expression of ethic.pdf
7. Teaching Ethics in a Business Program.pdf
8. The Institution’s Obligations to athletes.pdf
9. Thinking Through the Issues in codes of ethics.pdf
f) New direction faculty issues
1. A Journey of a Thousand Miles.pdf
2. Closing the Gap with Student Affairs staff.pdf
4. Employment of Part-Time Faculty.pdf
5. Faculty Community Service.pdf
6. Faculty Governance.pdf
7. Female Faculty in Male-Dominated field.pdf
8. Female Faculty.pdf
9. Mentoring Faculty of Color.pdf
10. Nontenure-Track Faculty.pdf
11. Part-Time faculty at virsual university.pdf
12. Preparing New Faculty.pdf
13. Summary and Recommendations.pdf
g) New direction for institutional research
1. Accreditation and Institutional research.pdf
2. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes.pdf
3. Institutional Research and External reports.pdf
4. Institutional Research’s Role in strategic planing.pdf
5. institutional researchers do a lot more than data.pdf
6. REPRISE.pdf
7. research discrebing faculty work.pdf
8. Strategies for Planning for the Future.pdf
9. The Foundations and Evolution of institutional research.pdf
10. The Role of Institutional Research.pdf
11. Typical Institutional Research Studies on students.pdf
h) new direction for open and virtual university
1. A Case Study of the Western Governors University.pdf
2. Academic Advising in a Virtual university.pdf
3. Administrative Models for Online.pdf
4. Innovative Practices in Service-learning and curriculum.pdf
5. Know About Virtual university.pdf
6. Lessons Learned from washingtononline.pdf
7. New Definitions for New Higher.pdf
8. State-Level virsual university.pdf
9. The Funding of Virtual Universities.pdf
11. Virtual General Education.pdf
12. Western Governors University.pdf
13. What the States Created.pdf
14. What to Expect from a Virtual university.pdf
i) New direction For UC Merced
1. A Delicate Dance.pdf
2. A Fragile Birth.pdf
3. Building Academic Distinction.pdf
4. Building the
5. Connecting Academic and Student service.pdf
6. Creating a Research Signature.pdf
7. Creating an Academic Library.pdf
8. Creating the Infrastructure for graduate education and research.pdf
10. Lessons Learned.pdf
11. Student and Residence Life.pdf
12. UC Merced’s Inaugural Class.pdf
13. What Was It Like.pdf
14. Why a New Research university at Merced.pdf
New direction of teaching and learning
a) 2007scholarship of multiculture teaching and learning
1. Acts of Diversity.pdf
2. Diversity and Retention in Engineering.pdf
3. Diversity Education and Identity development.pdf
5. Faculty Members’ Social Identities and classroom authority.pdf
6. Infusing Mathematics with Culture teaching for social justice.pdf
7. Interactive Theater and Self-Efficacy.pdf
8. Intergroup Dialogue.pdf
9. Multicultural Teaching and Learning resources.pdf
10. New Learning and Teaching from where you have been.pdf
11. Simulations and the Dynamics of racial and gender gaps in civic competence.pdf
12. Singing Down the Barriers.pdf
13. The History and Impact of State initiatives to eliminate affirmative action.pdf
b) 2008 educating integrated professionals
1. Applying Lessons from Professional education to the preparation of the professoriate.pdf
2. Career Preparation for Doctoral students.pdf
5. Graduate Education and community engagement.pdf
6. Lost in Translation.pdf
7. Networking to Develop a Professional identity.pdf
8. Professional Identity Development.pdf
9. Strategies for Preparing Integrated faculty.pdf
c) 2008information literacy
1. College Student Engagement Surveys.pdf
2. Dynamic Purposeful Learning in information literacy.pdf
4. Effective Librarian and Discipline faculty collaboration.pdf
5. Global Educational Goals Technology.pdf
6. Information Literacy and first-year students.pdf
7. Information Literacy and Its relationship to cognitive development.pdf
8. Librarians as Agents of Change working with curriculum committees.pdf
9. Reforming the Undergraduate experience.pdf
d) 2010FALL
1. Assessing Learning.pdf
2. Evaluating Teaching.pdf
3. Hopes and Directions for the Future.pdf
4. preface.pdf
5. Social Basis of Learning.pdf
6. Student Learning.pdf
7. The Learning-Paradigm Campus.pdf
8. The Promise of Technology for College Instruction.pdf
9. The Role of New Directions for Teaching and Learning.pdf
10. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.pdf
11. Two Decades of community-based learning.pdf
e) curriculum development in higher education
1. A Model for Facilitating Curriculum development.pdf
2. Assisting Curriculum Change Through departmental initiatives.pdf
3. Between Cultures Using Curriculum assessment.pdf
4. Continuous Curriculum Assessment and improvement.pdf
5. Designing a New Program in Family relations and applied nutrition.pdf
7. Integrating Knowledge Skills and values into the curriculum development.pdf
8. Supporting Curriculum Assessment and development.pdf
9. Supporting the Implementation of externally generated learning outcomes.pdf
10. The Scholarship of Curriculum.pdf
11. The
f) design course for significant learning
1. An “Extreme Makeover” of a Course.pdf
2. Bringing Language to Life.pdf
3. Inspiration and Intellect.pdf
4. Integrated Design of a Virology Course develops lifelong learners.pdf
5. Integrating Big Questions with Real-world application.pdf
6. Lessons We Can Learn from the Voices of experience.pdf
7. More Significant and Intentional learning.pdf
8. PREFACE.pdf
9. Shoeboxes and Taxes.pdf
10. Sooner City Reflections on a curriculum reform project.pdf
11. Still Learning.pdf
12. Using Fink’s Integrated Course Design.pdf
13. Using Integrated Course Design.pdf
g) improving the climate for undergraduate teaching and learning
1. Advancing STEM Teaching.pdf
2. Climate Change Creating Conditions.pdf
3. Discipline-Based Efforts to Enhance.pdf
5. Facilitating Reforms in STEM.pdf
6. PREFACE.pdf
7. Preparing STEM Doctoral Students.pdf
8. Supportive Teaching and Learning.pdf
9. The Climate for Undergraduate teaching and learning.pdf
10. The National Perspective.pdf
h) integrated general education
1. Building an Integrated Student learning outcome.pdf
2. Core Curriculum Revision at TCU.pdf
3. Creating an Integrative General education.pdf
4. Integrated General Education.pdf
5. Making General Education Matter.pdf
6. Meaningful General Education assessment that is integrated and transformative.pdf
7. PREFACE.pdf
8. Since We Seem to Agree.pdf
9. Unifying the Undergraduate through inquiry-guided learning.pdf
10. University of the Pacific’s Bookend seminars on a good society.pdf
i) internationalizing curriculum
1. Bridging the Distance.pdf
2. Context-Oriented Instructional Design.pdf
3. Different Perspectives on internationalization in higher education.pdf
4. Education for World-Mindedness.pdf
5. From the Inside Out.pdf
6. Internationalizing Curriculum.pdf
7. Learning About Obligation compassion and global justice.pdf
8. Reflections on Trends and Challenges.pdf
9. Sustainability Internationalization and higher education.pdf
10. The Sattvic Curriculum.pdf
j) pathways to profession
1. Charting Pathways into the Field of educational development.pdf
2. Conceptualizing Evolving Models of educational development.pdf
4. Educational Developers.pdf
5. Educational development past and future.pdf
6. Faculty Developers as leaders of change.pdf
7. Pathways Toward Improving Teaching and learning in higher education.pdf
8. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.pdf
9. Understanding the Disciplines Within the context of ED.pdf
10. Unheard Voices Among faculty developer.pdf
11. Value Commitments and Ambivalence in eductional development.pdf
k) Spirit
1. Engaging Spirituality.pdf
2. Epilogue.pdf
3. Finding Spirituality.pdf
4. Introduction Our Way of Being in the world.pdf
5. Prayer Life of a Professor.pdf
6. Serendipity and Stewardship.pdf
7. Spiritual Mentoring.pdf
8. Spirituality Then and Now.pdf
9. The Most Exciting Thing.pdf
10. The Spirit Moves.pdf
11. The Spirit That Strengthens Me.pdf
l) team-based learning
1. Key Teaching Activities.pdf
2. Knowledge Is No Longer Enough.pdf
3. Peer Assessment and Evaluation.pdf
4. PREFACE.pdf
5. Teaching Skills for Facilitating team-based learning.pdf
6. Team-Based Learning in Asynchronous online settings.pdf
7. Technological Alternatives.pdf
8. The Essential Elements of Team-Based learning.pdf
9. The Social Foundation of Team-Based learning.pdf
m) the role of classroom
1. Classroom Practices at Institutions.pdf
2. Closing the Gate Part-Time Faculty.pdf
3. Curricular Learning Communities unprepared students.pdf
5. Effective Instruction and College student persistence.pdf
6. Promoting Persistence and Success of underrepresented students.pdf
7. The Role of Active Learning.pdf
8. Toward a Scholarship of Practice.pdf
1. A TEST OF LEADERSHIP 美国前教育部长报告.pdf
2. A Transactional Model of College Teaching.pdf
3. aac integrity in the college curriculum.pdf
4. assessing student achievement in general education.pdf
5. assessment for excellence.pdf
6. Beyond curriculum reform Embedding the transition experience.pdf
7. Biggs teaching for higher quality learning2.pdf
8. Biggs teaching for higher quality learning.pdf
9. change course.pdf
10. contemporary issues in curriculum.pdf
11. curriculum development a guide to practice.pdf
12. designing and assessing courses and curricula2008 .pdf
14. designing undergraduate education.pdf
15. enabling student learning.pdf
16. engaging the curriculum in higher education.pdf
17. fixing college education a new curriculum for the 21century.pdf
18. handbook of the undergraduate curriculum1.pdf
19. handbook of the undergraduate curriculum2.pdf
20. handbook of the undergraduate curriculum3.pdf
21. handbook of the undergraduate curriculum4.pdf
22. handbook of the undergraduate curriculum5.pdf
23. Handbook on undergraduate curriculum 1978 A.pdf
24. Handbook on undergraduate curriculum 1978 B.pdf
25. Handbook on undergraduate curriculum 1978 C.pdf
26. Learning and Teaching at University.pdf
27. learning reconsidered2.pdf
29. learning to teach in higher education1.pdf
30. learning to teach in higher education2.pdf
31. missions of the college curriculum.pdf
32. OECD learning our lesson.pdf
33. quality assurance in HE UK since1992.pdf
34. reconstructing undergraduate education using learning science to design effective courses.pdf
35. reseash and teaching beyond divide.pdf
36. shaping the college curriculum.pdf
37. solo curriculum.pdf
38. student learning and university teaching2007.pdf
39. teach less and learn more.pdf
40. Teachers Voices Exploring course design in a change curriculum .pdf
41. teaching and learning at univeristy.pdf
42. teaching at its best.pdf
44. teaching for understanding at university.pdf
45. The Influence of the Organizational Structures of Colleges and Universities on College Students.pdf
46. the university of learning.pdf
47. UNIVERSITY TEACHING Entwistle improving teaching though research on student learning.pdf
AAUP policies.pdf
contemporary issues in curriculum.pdf
edexploring the heritage of american higher education.pdf
learning to teach in higher education1.pdf
learning to teach in higher education2.pdf
OECD learning our lesson.pdf
shaping of american higher education.pdf
shaping the college curriculum.pdf
teaching and learning at univeristy.pdf
the higher education manager's handbook.pdf